we just don't like life
don't like where i live or my school or the climate or the job or ..
we don't like who we are
don't like my height or my weight or my hair or my voice or ..
want to escape
get away
change my life
change me
sometimes we're ok with all that stuff
but we're simply bored with life
same ol' stuff every day
it's all so ..... trite, so repetitive
.. .
so we distract ourselves
adding 'stuff' to our lives like houses and wheels and fancy techy toys and hair colour and ..
or stuff like social clubs and night clubs and church clubs
and all the while we're simply distracting ourselves
from our life
but 'life does not consist of the possessions we accumulate' or the makeovers ..
the distractions
.. . . . .
what's this life for anyway ?
what indeed
there probably is no more fundamental question to be answered by each one of us
thing is, if we continue in our escape and distraction we are very likely never going to discover the answer
for the answer calls for pursuit, conscious alert determined dogged going-after
you don't usually bump into it in the grocery or on the tele
even the 'religious' tele
true life consists in knowing who i really am
and that has nothing to do with where i live or how i 'earn' a living or who i do life with ..
there's a me inside that i need to discover
and that me isn't defined by what i look like, or pretend to look like
not much
.. . . . . . .
the christian scriptures don't attempt to argue for the existence of God
it's assumed, right from the beginning
' in the beginning God created ' .. the opening and possibly most foundational statement in the entirety of those scriptures
shortly after that affirmation there's this incredible massively rooting thought ..
that same creating god created human in the very image and likeness of God ..
ah? eh? say what?
the me i know?
the same humanity i know?
the humans that hate and kill each other and destroy and ruin even the planet we live on??
the same me that lies to me and hurts people with my words and thinks ruinous hating stuff?
that me?
wild !
it is wild
go there
chase that
at least, consider it
because that just might be the key to finding you
the imago dei in you ..
and the God in whose image you and i were created
start there
you just might find you there ..
and that would be wonder-full
In believing I am created in the image and likeness of God is the perfect beginning to my assignment in making a list of who I am. I am on this super amazing journey on a path new to me and the questioning part of my intelligence is giving over to trust and acceptance of Truth in my heart of hearts. Can't wait to see what is at the end of this trip. In the meantime, I will enjoy the travel experience to the fullest~ d